Author:Linda Kaplan Thaler and Robin Koval
“Problem solving involves abandoning accepted, logical thought processed and rearranging and re-evaluating the staus quo.’ -Edward De Bono
Somehow or other you have to embrace the idea that whatever business you are in, the most illogical course of action is often the most logical thing to do.
Embrace counter-intuitive thinking and break the rules.
By definition, rules are backward-looking. Rules anticipate that history will repeat itself. In today’s business climate, however, if you keep repeating yourself, your company is history.
What’s the point of having a vision for what you want to attain in five years, if you can’t pay your rent now?
‘Naive confidence helps’
‘The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, each time expecting a different result.’-Einstein
The point isn’t what habits you break, but rather that you get in the habit of breaking habits.
If you think there is only one right answer, then you’ll stop looking as soon you find one.